I took a language acquisition class before I left, and I remember reading something under the ‘motivation/morale/encouragement’ section that struck me.
“I AM… ” (learning!)
Two weeks ago, I would not have understood what was just said to me. Now I do; so I must be learning. Sometimes I don’t feel that I am, but then I get breakthroughs that help me to realize that indeed I am.”
It was the truth. I had some ‘breakthrough’ moments yesterday. I often wonder what the heck I am doing even attempting to learn. I recognize the value, I WANT to learn; it just seems like it is something for “smart people” to do; like it is beyond my ability. Sometimes it just seems absurd to start from such a simple place; learning things like each letter and sound (and then discovering each one of the 33 consenents/23 vowels has a variety of different sounds!) Sometimes I wonder if I will ever actually “get it.” But then there are days like today, I remember that although I must start from the beginning, slowly but surely, progress is made.
It still feels like really tiny steps on a really loooong journey. But I am having fun trying. Having fun (usually) being corrected and laughed at when I say something incorrectly. Returning a blank look when I actually have no idea what question I am being asked. Saying one thing when I mean to say something entirely different. ..
Overall it DOES feel like accomplishment, though, because now I can: read many simple words. Write the whole alphabet! Recognize most vowels and consonants and their sounds on the first try ;) Add prepositions and conjunctions to my sentences! Sometimes I can even speak without thinking too much... yay!
Hebrews 12:1-2, says, ‘…let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith…’ It has been swirling in my head for a few years now without rest. I consider it a theme verse for my journey here—it really is like running a race (and the race is long!) It requires discipline and work and effort. It is a difficult but beautiful journey with ups and downs. And my favorite part; “we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus…” Truly I would not be running this race without fixing my eyes on Jesus. So, to Him be ALL the glory for whatever successes I have in this language journey.

one of the first things I have learned to write; Hebrews 12:1-2