The text for the English lesson was found in the gospel of John. Chapter eight, about the woman who was caught in adultery. The text is in simplified English, but the story is the same. The woman is caught in the midst of her sin. “a wrong and wicked thing” according to the Easy English text. The leaders want to stone her to death; Jesus turns it around. “Whoever has never done anything wrong may throw a stone.” he says. The leaders walk away, Jesus confronts the woman- with forgiveness.
I wrote these words on the white board:
forgive= forgave (past tense)
Will you forgive me?
Jesus forgave the woman.
He forgives us.
And then I realized that I not only wrote a few short sentences with the different tenses of the word “forgive,” but I had the opportunity to talk about forgiveness too! Because this is not only the text we use to learn new words in English, but it’s a really incredible and powerful story. It’s true, and real, and alive! I believe the text in these Easy English lessons has the power to change the lives of those who hear it; it is so much greater than just an English lesson. What JOY I have discovered in being able to share about the miracles of Jesus with some women who are so eager to learn.
Just one of the things I have been up to these past weeks.. . ;)