Saturday, May 31, 2008

follow me

“Follow me and be my disciple,’ Jesus said to him.
So Matthew got up and followed him.”
Matthew 9:9

I recently read this verse and was struck by the simplicity and clarity of it. Jesus saw Matthew at work, collecting taxes. He called Matthew to follow him, and Matthew did!

The tax collectors were not well liked, as they collected everyone’s money... and maybe even some for their own pockets. There was nothing particularly special about Matthew. He was just a regular guy.

Until Jesus walked by, saw him, and said, ‘Come follow me!’ So Matthew went. No delay. No hesitation. No questions asked. Did he know who Jesus was? It wasn’t like the story of Simon, James and John, who caught many fish when Jesus joined them, and then they dropped their nets to follow Him. Matthew was just at work at his tax collectors booth. Jesus called, Matthew came. In Luke, it says, “So Levi (Matthew) got up, left everything, and followed him.” He left everything. I wonder what everything was... His booth? His family? Friends? His money? His life? All of the above?

He calls us to many things too. We see from the stories in the gospels that he calls us to: caring for many- healing the sick- miracles- outcasts- overcoming obstacles- the dead- hurting friends- prayer- servant hood- lepers- adulterers- the cross- the mountaintop, and back down.

And it’s important for me to remember-Jesus called Matthew, who was ordinary. He didn’t boast any special skills or training. Neither did the others that Jesus called and hung out with. So when I feel unworthy, unqualified, lost, and like there has to be someone else, I have to remember this. I can’t use these to disqualify myself from what Jesus has planned. He calls me, in the middle of my day- my work- my leisure- to follow just as I am. In the middle of whatever I am doing.

I want to be this quick to follow when Jesus calls. I am not talking just about the big, life-changing things that He calls me to. I’m also talking about the little, day to day simple things-

to caring for people- to being friendly- to giving just a little more when I am tired- to generosity- to giving up my time for something more important than my plans- to radical faith- to being intentional with people I love and people I have a hard time loving- to giving away my money as I am called to- to gentleness and compassion with my patients- to finding ways to serve- to hard work and risk taking- to seeking out the lonely- to growing myself for the sake of serving Jesus-

I want to also leave everything. I want to just follow- not worrying- not doubting- not wondering if I should- I want to follow God and trust I can be His hands to the world. Even when it doesn’t make sense.
Even when it’s different from the call of those around me.
Even when it’s hard or seems impossible.
Even when I have to leave things that I love,
or give up something I find important.
Especially in all of these things.
Because He calls me-
and what could be more important than that?


juice said...

"not worrying, not doubting, not wondering" - your words in the last paragraph make me wonder if you are doing these things right now...What are you feeling right now as to your call to go to Cambodia?

Remember above all else: God is good and He loves you. No matter what you are feeling. He is good.

Love you,

pip said...

hey mate-
great post! keep preachn it!