Running a marathon has been one of my goals for as long as I can remember. I didn't talk about it much, though, because I didn't actually ever run. I always thought it sounded cool, I just didn't really do it. I ran track in high school- but I raced 200 meters at the most. Maybe it's just that I work harder now, but it hardly compares! It wasn't until I went to college and was stressed out one day did I ever really go for what I considered a real "run." It was maybe 30 minutes or something, I'm not sure.
Somewhere along the line, though, I became somewhat addicted to this "drug" called running. The way it made me feel. The fact that I often didn't feel like it, but afterwards the endorphins pumping through my body made me feel like I could do anything. The early mornings that made me cringe when I first woke up, but later on made me thrilled to be alive. The blisters on my feet, multiple pairs of new shoes, the pain in my legs and knees after running over 20 miles, the encouragement of seeing someone else on the trail after 2 hours that made me want to continue, the trill of passing a stranger on the last mile...something about the combination of all of these things has made it not only a part of my daily routine, but something I can't get enough of!
So last Saturday, I ran my first marathon. It was a killer. It wasn't even the miles, but the heat. Central Oregon soared over 90 degrees that morning, and it made running all the more intense. It was the most difficult thing I have ever done. The mental battle in my mind never seemed to quit, as I fought the negative thoughts away mile after mile. One minute I was refreshed, joyful, and alive as took a drink and splashed the rest of the cold water on my face; the next I was miserable, nauseous, and wondering why the hell I ever thought this was a good idea. I heard ambulance sirens at mile 16 or so and tried not to think about why. I fought the urge to throw up, tears, panic attacks, and just kept telling myself, "you CAN'T quit!" I knew I would finish, I just didn't know that it would be as difficult as it was. While running, I remember thinking, "I never want to do this again!" but within a few hours of finishing, I thought, " I WILL do this again- and get a better time, too!"
(It really is addicting!)
I write all of this to say that that if you are reading this and run...want to run... or have never run... but have ever thought that running a marathon would be the ultimate challenge... YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! Honestly, if I can run 26.2 miles, it is possible for anyone. I have been inspired by many others before me (thanks Lindsey!) and would love to inspire more to join me in "running the race." More thoughts on this to come...
Thanks to everyone for being so supportive and encouraging along the way...Katie, Rebecca, and Sean for joining me in two races now, (!) and to Pip, who trained with me for five intense months, and traveled all the way from Australia to run this crazy race with me, finishing FIFTH place...and kicking my butt, too! ;) You go girl!
Congrats Gretchen! Simply amazing... I am in awe.
Mad mad props on that one. I was just talking about running a marathon yesterday, even though I don't run.
Perhaps I'm next...
You did it :)Amazing! what an achievement! Congratulations
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