Lord, I believe in you; help me to believe more firmly.
I trust in you; help me to trust more surely.
I love you; help me to love more ardently.
I am sorry for my sins; help me to deepen my sorrow.
Guide me by your wisdom, correct me by your justice.
Comfort me by your mercy, defend me with your power.
Lord, I offer you,
my thoughts to be centered on you, my words to speak of you,
my actions to do your will, my sufferings for your sake.
I want whatever you want;
Because you want it,
The way you want it,
As long as you want it.
Lord, enlighten my mind, strengthen my will,
purify my heart, and sanctify my spirit.
Lord, in your goodness, grant me the grace to love you
and to forget myself, to seek my neighbor's good
and despise the seduction of the world.
Teach me to obey those in authority, serve those under my care,
look after my friends, and forgive my enemies.
Teach me;
How trivial wordly interests are
How momentous is the Kingdom
How brief temporal concerns are
How lasting is life eternal!
Excerpts from the prayer of of Pope Clement XI