‘And he will startle many nations. Kings will stand speechless in his presence. For they will see what they had not been told; they will understand what they had not heard about.’ Isaiah 52:15
This morning I received an email from a Cambodian friend. She has been emailing me consistently the past week and a half; sharing her joys and struggles as she begins a new life as a follower of Jesus. She has been learning about the person of Christ for a while now, as well as reading the Bible and asking lots of questions. The last time we spoke in person, she told me, “I just have so many questions, and so many things I don’t understand.” I told her it was ok to ask questions and not understand everything… keep asking, keep reading, and keep looking…
She has emailed me many questions- regarding persecution, and how to understand God’s plan for the world, amongst a few. And now she shares about how she is doing well, because God has given her peace and joy. She asks for prayer, that her mother and sister would keep reading their Bibles and trying to understand God, too- as well as prayer for the rest of her family who thinks it is not appropriate to follow Jesus. “Thank you, sister, for helping me to get close to God. Sister, I miss you...” she writes in closing.
I stand humbled and amazed that God would allow me to witness transformation in this young woman. I am honored to receive these emails, pray with and for her, and share conversation; whether it be in person or by email. What a joy to share the hope and peace of Christ with this sister who is so eager to learn and grow in knowledge.
I arrived in America via Portland Oregon two weeks ago! This is a time for me to connect with many of you (as many as possible!) as well as rest a little, hug my family, and pray and make some arrangements for my return to Cambodia in July. I will be in Oregon until early June, and Minnesota until early July.
Prior to my return to the US, I was able to attend the annual Pioneers retreat for SE Asia in Thailand. It was truly a gift to meet together, encourage one another and be encouraged as we shared stories of what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of those we live and work amongst.
Please pray for my friend and her family who are for the first time ‘seeing what they had not (yet) been told’ and ‘understanding what they had not (yet) heard about’
I rejoice that we have a Savior in Jesus who pursues us, and who ‘bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels (us!).’ (Isaiah 53:12) Please join me in prayer for my friend who is just beginning her journey of faith and understanding of Jesus and his love for her.
Please also join me in prayer for many uncertain details of my work role when I return to Cambodia in July. There are many specific things that must be in place and made clear before I will begin working full time; pray that the Lord would clarify each step as I work through the details during this time.

tulips outside my house in Oregon!

loving spending time with baby Luke! (and his family!)
How lucky for baby Luke to make your blog page but what a Amelia?
Also a nice message1
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