Yesterday I read a verse in psalm 119 that I have no doubt read many times before. Yet it still spoke something of mysterious encouragement to me in a way I don’t fully understand but am still thinking about.
It says:
“I will pursue Your commands
for you expand my understanding.”
Psalm 119:32, NLT
And in another favorite version, The Message, it states:
“I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me;
God, don’t let me down!
I’ll run the course you lay out for me
If you’ll just show me how.”
I am attempting to process these past months in Cambodia. I am trying to think about what I have learned and what I am still learning, what returning home looks like, and the purposes of my service here. As I do, I am immensely encouraged by this verse. I am reminded that I can continue to run forward- after eternal things- no matter what part of the world I am living in. And it makes me so excited to do so! When I throw off my own weaknesses and limitations and allow the Lord to “expand my understanding,” and “show me how” I feel giddy thinking about what is possible. I am excited to see what following the Lord to Cambodia for these past months will mean for the future.
Allow me to keep running on the course you have laid out for me.
Expand my understanding of what that means,
and show me how to run!
Gretchen,Again very well written, I am so proud of you! Love Mom
Love this verse in the Message. Thx for the post!
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