Tuesday, March 10, 2009

92 bananas

Our presenter at class tonight was awesome. She left us with a slideshow of quotes by people who have changed the world for Christ. They were missionaries. I haven't totally embraced the word for myself yet; but these words and their stories were enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"If this is war," the message said, "A woman is not likely to stop it."
Back went her reply,
"You think only of the woman.
You have forgotten the woman's God."
Mary Slessor, Nigeria, 1874-1915

"I wasn't God's first choice for what I've done in China...
it must have been a man.
Perhaps he died. Perhaps he wasn't willing...
and God looked down and saw Gladys Aylward...
and God said, "Well, at least she's willing!"
Gladys Aylward, China, 1902-1970

"I can assure you that months and months
of heart-rending anguish are before you...
Yet, take the bitter cup with both hands.
You will learn a secret; that there is sweetness at the bottom."
Adoniram Judson, Burma, 1788-1826


Zach and Amanda said...

Oh Gretchen, these are gems! Thanks for making me go "hmmm...."

pip said...

Nice Judson quote.