goodbye heat and damp sweaty clothes
hello wool sweater, jeans, and the fireplace.
goodbye flip flops, and the dirt that runs off my feet
and colors my white bathtub brown
hello Uggs, slippers, and socks.
goodbye mosquito bites and itching
hello dry skin and face lotion.
goodbye 35 degrees C, and running 13 K.
hello 10 degrees F, and running 8 miles.
goodbye finding change for the moto that drives me around
hello polly (my saturn ;) and my visa card $45 later.
goodbye “work” in the village; 2 hour breaks for lunch, and hot, relaxed days
hello 12 hour night shifts, stress, being on my toes,
and maybe 10 minutes to have a snack.
goodbye Australian slang
hello American pop music.
goodbye children; with your high-fives, hugs, kisses, and little notes
hello grown up conversations.
goodbye using the bathroom without toilet paper because
I have forgotten to bring my own
hello toilet paper I didn’t have to plan ahead to use.
goodbye morning run to Independence Monument
hello run through Washington Park.
goodbye ceiling fan which makes it possible to sleep
hello down duvet and extra blankets.
goodbye women in pastel cartoon pajamas at 2pm
hello women in J.Crew and Citizens.
goodbye Asia
hello America.