Sunnyside Environmental Elementary School is a few blocks away. They teach kids about growing all sorts of things in their various garden plots. The kids always make colorful signs to label the things they've planted. I wonder if they ever expected nature would cover their crops... (and their sign!)
I was DETERMINED to work out today, and I didn't want to take the bus to the gym. I can't drive because my car is covered with ice and there are drifts in the I dug out my snowshoes and boots, found my ski pants and a vest, put on some gloves and my ipod, and went out to explore the streets on foot! I don't think this has been done on Portland streets by many people before. I even caught a cute older woman taking a picture of me when she thought I didn't notice. But although I felt a little silly when I left my house, after traipsing a few blocks, I spotted a woman coming towards me on skis! It was awesome. I wish the news people were out- seriously a woman on skis and another on snowshoes on the same neighborhood street is SO enough to make the news -at least here! I think this is one of the most unusal winters Portland has ever had! And the snow is still coming down...
The temperature difference between where I lived last December and this December is about 70 degrees....YIKES! Portland is known for mild winters- and NOT for snow- but this winter has been crazy! I am currently stranded in my apartment, and there are SNOW DRIFTS outside my window!! I am skipping my running workout tomorrow to snowshoe at the park instead! I decided this morning after I finished running in this winter wonderland (imagine cold air, fresh tracks on 2 inches of light clean snow, no traffic, and the sun just coming up... ;) that you haven't LIVED until you have experienced winter snow! It is BeAuTiFuL!!
I found out today that yesterday one of my precious little girls went home to be with Jesus. Banya was about 3 years old, and she was HIV+. Ironically, this is not what took her life. I'm sure she was off playing and being her sweet, mischievous self, and she drowned in a nearby pond. She leaves behind her mom, Sitow, who is one of the sweetest women I met while in Cambodia. She also lives with AIDS. She has now lost both of her children as well as her husband. I'm praying for her today; that she would not feel responsible, but know her daughter is being cared for in the BEST way- and that she will herself be cared for by those around her and her loving Father in heaven. I'll miss you, Banya!
The following is the vision my church has for Advent Conspiracy, an international movement to refocus our hearts and lives around Jesus during this busy season of the year. I am so excited to be a part of it, and am already thinking of creative ways to give relationally, and intentionally focus on Christ instead of the things this culture tells me are important. I am trying to examine how those who follow Christ can lead the world in taking care of others near and far, and send the message by our actions and lifestyles that truly Christ is our most valuable gift!
Christmas can (still) change the world.
Freedom, restoration. Joy. For everyone. This was God’s agenda 2,000 years ago when he sent his son into our broken world with an outrageous plan to rescue us. This was his gift to humanity.
Today, Americans celebrate this act of revolutionary love by spending 450 billion dollars each Christmas. On December 26, after months of chaos, we may look back and wonder if we somehow missed the point.
The story of Christ’s birth is subversive; it tells of an upside-down kingdom. It’s a story of promise and hope in which the blind see, the lame walk and the least become the greatest. So what if Christmas became a world-changing event again by turning our focus back to the birth of Christ? What if we could trade our celebration of stuff for a celebration of hope and unbelievable memories with family and friends? What if all this could save a life at the same time?
Worship Fully- It starts with Jesus. It ends with Jesus. Christmas is a season where love wins, peace reigns, and a king is celebrated with each breath. Entering the story of advent means entering this season with an overwhelming passion to worship Jesus to the fullest.
Spend Less- We live in a culture that guilts us into overspending. But is buying a loved one the latest gadget really the best way show you care? This Christmas, resist the message that stuff will satisfy and become more available to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Give More- God didn’t spend a dime when he gave us the greatest gift ever known – the loving presence of his son in our world. So it’s no wonder that we’re drawn to the idea that Christmas should be a time to love our friends, family and people in need. Instead of shopping for excess things, consider writing your mom a letter, taking your kids sledding, serving a homeless family and visibly showing love through relational giving. Love All- When Jesus loved, He loved in ways never imagined before. He entered our world and gave up everything to bring God’s kingdom to those who were physically and spiritually poor, forgotten, overlooked and sick. By spending less on presents, we can free up our resources and join Him in meeting physical and spiritual needs around the world.
Throughout the month of December, there will be opportunities to give away money you would have otherwise spent on holiday loot by putting it in a red advent conspiracy envelope and dropping it in Mosaic’s offering. 100% of the funds will be redistributed to projects to serve Portland, Haiti, Kosovo, and provide clean water through Living Water International.
November 27-waking up early to start the day with a run and a friend, starbucks peppermint mochas, baking with cinnamon, journaling, playing games, watching movies, ice cream, eating a traditional thanksgiving dinner, friends to hang out with, my family!!! November 28- sleeping in, running up stairs, stretching, trader joe's, candles, silence, cleaning with bleach, the library, going to work and liking it November 29- work with friends, finally being able to sleep after 24 hours November 30- learning new things at work, times to laugh (and practice IV starts ;) stairs with Katie, the beginning of advent, community, good songs on the radio
Well, I could do this every day- but it has been a fun activity for the month of November. Thanks, God, for abundant blessings, and allowing me to remember all of the reasons I am so thankful.
"Let your roots grow down deep in Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong... and you will OVERFLOW WITH THANKFULNESS." Colossians 2:7